Friday, September 18, 2015

Constant Associative Hate

A recent article posted by the BBC following Donald Trump’s rally in New Hampshire focuses its attention on a supporter who states, “We have a problem in this country, it’s called Muslims. We know our current president is one.” The article expresses the disapproval of many substantial political figures and provides a video of Mr. Trump attempting to laugh off the comments and to some degree even entertain this supporter’s questions before jumping to a question from a different supporter.

 Mr. Trump has taken fire from not righting this man’s statement. Mr. Trump’s actions demonstrate his lack of contempt for ignorant and “hateful rhetoric” (Hillary Clinton) in America. Even people in the audience behind Trump had mouths dropped and were nodding their heads in disagreement to the supporter’s statement. No, Obama is not a Muslim and yes he was born in the U.S. (A brief video on the history of attack on Obama’s national and religious validity is shown within the article.)

What is important about articles like these are the meta-issues beneath. We have a country founded and evolved on the basis of freedom and strength of diversity, yet we are under constant threat from that diversity domestic and foreign. It’s important to not discriminate, marginalize, or generalize a community of people within the United States solely because of some association to extremists who do commit acts of terrorism.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hello everyone!

Figure I'd start off my blog for U.S Government 2305 class with a fitting quote!

"Let us not despair but act. Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
John F. Kennedy